Faulkner Mills

Faulkner Mills
Faulkner Mills
Circa 1973 by MACRIS
Address 71 Faulkner St
Built 1811

The original mill buildings of the Faulkner Woolen Company were erected on this site in 1811, but none remain. The oldest building on the site is a single story brick storehouse, 20' x 35', similar to those built at Lowell and Lawrence in the 1830s and 1840s. The main mill is 3 stories high, brick, with an attractive stair and water cistern tower at the northeast corner of the building, an unusual location for a tower. This structure, built in 1880, remains intact, although it has recorded additions dating from the early and mid 20th century. The boilerhouse and chimney probably date from about the 1880s. In 1920 the plant contained 8 sets of card and 50 broad looms. The Mill is now home to a variety of small businesses and the Middlesex Canal Museum.


  1. MACRIS BIL.77